Újra a sütikre vonatkozó kivételekről – Hibás az ePrivacy irányelv hazai átültetése?

A süti (cookie) kezelés jogszerűségének feltételeiről immár európai uniós irányelv rendelkezik, melynek hazai átültetésére 2011-ben sor került, mindazonáltal továbbra is sok a bizonytalanság a cookie szabály alkalmazásával kapcsolatosan, illetőleg az eltelt…

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New Cookie Law: Browser Settings Do Imply Consent in Hungary – Updated

  • Post category:Hungary

The bill on the amendment of the Act Nr C. of 2003 on electronic communications, the transposition of Article 5(3) of the ePrivacy Directive 2009/136/EC has been adopted today by the Hungarian Parliament.

As reported earlier, the draft bill submitted to the Parliament – similarly to the position of the UK, Ireland, Latvia, the Netherlands and Sweden – originally required prior consent to the storage of cookies in the users’ terminal equipment. However, during the debate of the bill in the Parliament, the Parliament Committee for Economics and Informatics has submitted an amending proposal to the bill on 29 June 2011, which has altered the language of the cookie consent rule in the draft and eliminated the requirement for the consent to be “prior”.


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